A Study on the Politicalized Process of Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포오츠의 정치화(政治化) 과정(過程)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
金相九SangKuKim , 金凡植BumSigKim
23(1) 3-13, 1984
A Study on the Politicalized Process of Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포오츠의 정치화(政治化) 과정(過程)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
金相九SangKuKim , 金凡植BumSigKim
The purpose of the study is to and the ideal items in the connection with politics and sports by defining the relation with them.
The results can be summarized as following presentation
1) It is admitted that the connection with politics and sports was achieved not by practice on pure ideal of the latter so much as by a one-sided aim to govern and intention of the former.
2) The connection with the above two, domestically, kept all the sport organization under the national control and introduced each form of sports into military training or the nation`s daily life in order to induce the nation`s political apathy. to encourage the concentration of the governor`s strong power, and to maintain the national harmony for the politic system of its own country and ideology.
3) The connection with the above two, externally, cultivated and dispatched the sport-army politically with the tendency of the excessive nationalism in order to make its superiority of the nation and people for powerful country seen good by other country with the victory in the Olympic Game and various other international games.
4) However, it is considered that the combination between the soaring ideal of sports and the pure will of politics would contribute to the welfare and democratization of the country by promoting the sound development in the fields of politics, economy, society, culture, education and etc. through policy, institution, regulation, education and public information of each country.
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A Study of Influence of Physical Activities on the State-Anxiety-A case of Middle School for Students- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육(體育) 활동(活動)이 상태불안(狀態不安)에 미치는 영향(影響)(중학교(中學校) 학생(學生)을 중심(中心)으로)
23(1) 15-21, 1984
A Study of Influence of Physical Activities on the State-Anxiety-A case of Middle School for Students- 인문 · 사회과학편 : 체육(體育) 활동(活動)이 상태불안(狀態不安)에 미치는 영향(影響)(중학교(中學校) 학생(學生)을 중심(中心)으로)
The purpose of the study was to determine differences in the level of state anxiety among some subject lesson. The intent was to examine the possibility of reducing State-Anxiety in physical activities.
The dependent variables used for the investigation were the sums and differences in the total score of independents. State-anxiety presented by 250 students. Variables are consisted of subjects sex and grade. The inventory used was Spielberger’s State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. The data were subjected in a whole analysis the package.
The implications associated with the findings are following:
1) The State-anxiety of students after lesson of physical activities is lower than that of mathematics.
2) The State-anxiety of students after lesson of physical activities is lower than that morality studies, but there is not significant difference.
3) The level of State-anxiety does not show significant difference in sex and grade.
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A Study on Growth-Development and Nutrition Status in Primary School Pupils 자연과학편 : 부산시(釜山市) 국민학생(國民學生)의 성장발육(成長發育)과 영양상태(營養狀態)에 관한 연구(硏究)
23(1) 25-35, 1984
A Study on Growth-Development and Nutrition Status in Primary School Pupils 자연과학편 : 부산시(釜山市) 국민학생(國民學生)의 성장발육(成長發育)과 영양상태(營養狀態)에 관한 연구(硏究)
As the subject of this study, 1778 male pupils and 1690 female pupils were selected in primary schools at Pusan City.
In order to grasping on growth-development and on nutrition status, the measurement of body height, body weight, chest girth, and sitting height were producted and the measurement of physique and nutrition status were producted and the measurement of body volume and body fat were producted.
This conclusion are as follows:
1. In body height, rapid growth in order of age has been observed. Specially, highly rapid growth has been observed among both males and females in the age 10-11.
This indicates that primary school pupils enter a rapidly growing stage of body height than 3 years earlier pupils.
2. In body weight, rapid growth in order of age has been observes. Females in body weight were found to enter a rapidly growing stage than the males.
Highly rapid growth and development have been observed among both males and females in the age 10-11.
3. In Chest-Girth, rapid growth in order of age has been observed. Decrease growth among males at age 12 has been observed and rapid growth at females has been observed.
4. In sitting height, rapid growth in order of age has been observed at both males and femleas.
Females in sitting height were found to enter a rapidly growing stage than the males.
5. In relative body weight, relative chest girth, relative sitting height, and Rohrer’s index increase in order of age has been observed at both males and females.
In relative chest-girth, slowly decrease has been observed at age 12 by both males and females.
6. In vervaeck index, pelidisi index, Kaup index and Livis index, both males and females in order of age has been observed at increase.
In vervaeck index at age 12 by males, Pelidisi index at age 12 by both males and females, Kaup index at age 12 by males, Livis index at age 12 by both males and females; Slowly decrease has been observed.
7. In Body surface area, body volume and body density, increasing growth in order of age has been observed at both males and females. In body surface area and body volume has been observed rapid growth.
In body density has been observed decrease growth.
8. In % body fat and body fat, increase in order of age has been observed.
Specially, males among at ages 9-12 has been observed a few highly growth and females has been observed at normal.
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A Study of the Relationship between the Load and the Power-Lay a Emphasis on Knee Joint Extension- 자연과학편 : 하중(荷重)과 Power에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-슬관절(膝關節) 신전(伸展) 동작(動作)을 중심(中心)으로-
金東希DongHeeKim , 韓聖洙SeongSooHan
23(1) 37-40, 1984
A Study of the Relationship between the Load and the Power-Lay a Emphasis on Knee Joint Extension- 자연과학편 : 하중(荷重)과 Power에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-슬관절(膝關節) 신전(伸展) 동작(動作)을 중심(中心)으로-
金東希DongHeeKim , 韓聖洙SeongSooHan
In order to give basic material data for the power training knowing the relation between the load and the power, and random sampled to college students in cluster.
The results of analyzing the knee joint`s extension were as follow:
1. The 1/5 of the maximun muscular strength is more faster than the 1/3 or 1/2 of that in time and speed when they loaded to the maximum muscular strength.
But the case of 1/5 was less than cafe of 1/3 or 1/2 in force, potential energy and power (p<0.05).
2. The 1/3 of the maximun muscular strength is more faster than the 1/2 of that in time and speed when they loaded to the maximun muscular strength.
But the case of 1/3 was less than the case of 1/2 in force and potential energy.
There is no meaning the difference of the power between each case.
3. It was must powerful in the case of 1/2 or 1/3 of the maximun muscular strength when they loaded to that than any other case.
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A Study on the Subjective Fatigue of Electronic Manufacturing Worker's 자연과학편 : 근로자들의 피로도 자각증상에 관한 조사연구
23(1) 41-49, 1984
A Study on the Subjective Fatigue of Electronic Manufacturing Worker's 자연과학편 : 근로자들의 피로도 자각증상에 관한 조사연구
Physical, mental and neuro-sensory subjective symptoms were investigate by questionnaire from on 433 electronic manufacturing assess fatigue cased by working.
The data by sec, age and working years were collected.
The following results were obtained.
1. The mean frequency of subjective fatigue symptoms by sex; Females wore higher than males before and after work in all the symptoms.
2. The mean frequency of subjective fatigue symptoms by age: in case of both sexes before work and after work, all the symptoms showed an increasing tendency as age was increasing.
3. The mean frequency of subjective fatigue symptoms by working years: In case of both sexes before works and after work, all the symptoms showed an increasing tendency as working years were increasing.
4. Before and after work, the mean frequency of subjective fatigue symptoms showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in both sexes.
5. The results of correlation and regression analyses between control groups and electronic manufacturing groups in the all symptom groups were as follows:
Before work
male: r=5382, y=0.68χ+11.19
female: r=0.6388 y=0.64χ+8.24
After work
male: r=0.7462, y=0.59+29.46
female: r=0.6205, y=0.57χ+74.01
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The Relationship between the Motor Related Physical Fitness Test and the Health Related Physical Fitness Test 자연과학편 : Canonical Correlation에 의한 운동능력요인(運動能力要因)을 강조한 청소년체력장(靑少年體力章)과 건강요인(健康要因)을 강조한 청소년체력장(靑少年體力章)의 상관관계(相關關係) 연구(硏究)
23(1) 51-57, 1984
The Relationship between the Motor Related Physical Fitness Test and the Health Related Physical Fitness Test 자연과학편 : Canonical Correlation에 의한 운동능력요인(運動能力要因)을 강조한 청소년체력장(靑少年體力章)과 건강요인(健康要因)을 강조한 청소년체력장(靑少年體力章)의 상관관계(相關關係) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the Motor Related Physical Fitness Test and the Health Related Physical Fitness Test by two different statistical methods:
(1) Pearson correlation by the sum of Z-scores
(2) Canonical correlation.
The sixty five junior high school students were used for the study with measuring long distance (1000m), sit-up, sit and reach which are considered as the items of the Health Related Physical Fitness Test, and dash (l00m), pull-up, stand broad jump and throwing for distance which are considered as the items of the Motor Related Physical Fitness Test.
The data including the subjects` weight, height and chest circumference were analyzed to find the relation ships among the test items and between the two tests by using S.P.S.S. in Seoul National University computer center.
The results and conclusions were as follows:
1. There are significant relationships among the most of test items, but sit and reach is believed as the most independant item among 7 test items.
2. The relationship between the two tests is r=0.6 by the sum of Z-scores using Pearson correlation.
3. There is only one significant pair of canonical variates between the two tests by using canonical correlation, and pull-up and sit-up have the highest canonical weight of the first canonical variate in each test.
4. The amount of explained variance between the two tests by the sum of Z-scores is greater than the variance explained by the canonical correlation with Hooper`s trace coefficient.
5. There is only one significant pair of canonical variates between the Motor Related Physical fitness Test and antropometric variables such as weight, height and chest circumference, however no significant pair of canonical variates is found with the Health Related Physical Fitness Test at p<0.05.
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Change in Urine Composition among the Athletes and the Non-athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)와 비선수(非選手) 요성분변화(尿成分變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (마라톤 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
23(1) 59-66, 1984
Change in Urine Composition among the Athletes and the Non-athletes 자연과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)와 비선수(非選手) 요성분변화(尿成分變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (마라톤 선수(選手)를 중심(中心)으로)
This study has attempted to investigate the changing processes of glucose, protein, electrolyte, and PH. ratio in urine of the athletes and the non-athletes.
The results of the experiment are as follows:
1. The measured amount of glucose in urine was greatly increased among the non-athletes, compared with the athletes. This increase is interpreted as the resell from energy consumption due to motor impulses and time laps.
2. The measured amount of protein in urine was maximally increased in all members right after the game, but decreased after one and half hour.
3. The measured amount of electrolyte(Na+, K+, Ca++, P) was shown somewhat decreased as time goes, but the total change was not statististically significant.
4. PH. in urine showed no change among the athletes, but the nonathletes showd a slight change from 5.0 to 7.6.
5. The proportion of urine was increased in all members after the game. The specific gravity was increased. This increase appears to have resulted from the generation of heat and sweat, but it was decreased after one and half hour limit.
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A Study on the Interval Time of E. C. G Before and After Exereise 자연과학편 : 운동전후(運動前後)의 ECG 시간간격(時間間隔)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
徐國雄KukWongSeo , 白永鎬YoungHoPaik , 河炫保HyunBoHa
23(1) 67-76, 1984
A Study on the Interval Time of E. C. G Before and After Exereise 자연과학편 : 운동전후(運動前後)의 ECG 시간간격(時間間隔)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
徐國雄KukWongSeo , 白永鎬YoungHoPaik , 河炫保HyunBoHa
This study is proceeded to be analyzed and compared with the interval of E.C.G`s time between athletes and non-athletes and among Gymnastics, Basketball and Handball athletes and I wanted to know each group`s characteristics of cardiovascular endurance. The subjects are 16 athletes (Basket ball (5), Handball (4) and Gymnastics (7)) and 16 non-athletes in B university, I have used the treadmill to increase the Heart rate. I have record the each wale of E.C.G and analyzed.
The circumstance is that the temperature is 2.3˚ and atmospheric pressure is 766.5mmHg
Conclusions derived from the results obtained are as follows.
1. In the QRS interval, the athletes is more shortened than non-athletes in the before and after exercise, and in the interval before and after exercise, athletes is stortened more than the non-athletes. In the PR, QT, RR interval before and after exercise, the athletes is become longer than the non-athletes, but there is not significantly difference.
2. In the athletes and nonathletes, broth groups are significantly (p<0.05 and p<0.001) shortened in all waves.
3. In the R-Rinterval before exercise, athletes group (0.9825±0.16074 sec) is significantly (p<0.05) become longer than non-athletes (0.87375±0.14190 sec), In the Q-T interval after exercise, Athletes (0.31575±0.02583 sec) is siginificanty (p<0.01) become longer than non-athletes(0.28925±0.01901 sec) and in the P interval after exercise, athletes(0.06175±0.01549 sec) is significantly (p<0.01) shortened mere than non-athletes (0.07125±0.00992 sec)
4. P wave after exercise (Gym; 0.05886±0.01746 sec, basketball; 0.06480±0.01170 sec) is significantly (p<0.05) shortened more than P wave before exercise (Gym: 0.05886±0.01746 sec, Basketball; 0.064801±0.01170 sec), and in the before and after exercise, Gymnastics group (before exercise; 0.07886±0.01260 sec, after exercise; 0.05886±0.0174 sec) has significantly (p<0.05) shown the time interval shorten than the non-athletes, and compared with the other group, there is not sgnificant difference.
5. In the QRS interval, all athlete groups after exercise is shortened more than before exercise. There is not found out the significant difference and non-athletes (0.07975±0.00728 sec) before exercise has represented that the interval is shortened more than any other athlete.
6. In the T wave, all athletes after exercise is significantly shortened more than before exercise. Gymnastics (0.20000±0.03277 sec) before exercise is significantly (p<0.05) shortened more than Basketball athletes. Non-athletes (0.21875±0.02723 sec) is significantly (p<0.05) become longer than Handball athletes (0.17900±0.01905 sec) and significantly (p<0.1) shortened more than Basketball athletes (0.24880±0.03144sec) In the PR interval, all athletes after exercise is shortened more than before exercise, and Gymnastic groups (0.17714±0.01720 sec) is shown the shortest of all athlete group and shown longer than non-athletes in the before and after exercise but there is not significantly difference.
7. In the Q-T interval, all athletes after exercise is significantly (p<0.01∼p<0.001) shortened more than before exercise. Before exercise, athletes is become longer than non-athletes basketball athletes (0.332±0.03250 sec) and gymnastic athletes (0.31543±0.01099 sec) is significantly (p<0.01) become longer than non-athletes (0.28925±0.0190 sec)
8. In the R-R interval, all athletes after exercise is significantly (p<0.01∼p<0.001) shortened more than before exercise, non-athletes (0.87375±0.14190 sec) is shown the interval shorter than any other athlete group and significantly (p<0.05) shown the interval shorter than Handball athletes (1.04500±0.11522 sec). Gymnastics (0.64000±0.10085 sec) is significantly (p<0.1) shown the interval longer than any other athlete group. Especially, longer than non-athletes (0.54100±0.11564 sec)
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A Study on the Correlation between the Iowa Brace Test and the Basketball Skill Test 자연과학편 : Iowa Brace Test와 농구기능(籠球技能)과의 상관관계(相關關係) 연구(硏究)
23(1) 77-82, 1984
A Study on the Correlation between the Iowa Brace Test and the Basketball Skill Test 자연과학편 : Iowa Brace Test와 농구기능(籠球技能)과의 상관관계(相關關係) 연구(硏究)
The Purpose of this thesis is to study the Correlation between Iowa Brace Test and Basketball Skill Test of Junior and Senior High School Students. To do this, the writer Measured of McCloy`s I.B.T and Johnson`s Basketball Skill Test respectively. The data Concerned here were gotten from 60 male students and 60 female Students in grades of Junior high School, 60 male students and 60 female students in grades of senior high School, all of whom seemingly have little experience basketball of real exercise. The result are as follows:
1. The coefficient of correlation between I.B.T.S (Iowa Brace Test Score) and Basketball F.G.S.T.S(Field Goal Speed Test Score) shows relatively law correlation: It varies from r=.1523 of male students at the age of 16 to r=.4896 of femal students at the age of 16. Totally, r=.2524 fur male students (15∼18 of age) and r=.4576 for female students (15∼18 of age).
2. The Coefficient of correlation between I.B.T.S and B.A.T.S(Basketball throw for accuracy score) shows relatively a little high correlation: It varies from r=.3986 of male students at the age of 15 to r=.7976 of female students at the age of 18. Totally, r=.6634 for male Students (15∼18 of age) and r=.7976(or female students (15∼18 of age).
3. The Coefficient of correlation between I.B.T.S and B.D.T.S(Basketball Dribble Test Score) shows relatively high correlation: It varies from r=.4652 of male students at the age of 17 to r=.8094 of female students at the age of 17. Totally, r=.5684 for male students (15∼18 of age) and r=.7458 for female Students (15∼18 of age).
4. The coefficient of correlation between I.B.T.S and B.B.T.S(Basketball Battery Test Score) shows high correlation: It varies from r=.4927 of male students at the age of 15 to r=.9204 of female students at the age of 16. Totally, r=.7346 for male students (15∼18 of age) and r=.8385 for female students (15∼18 of age).
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A Study of Skinfold Thickness and Plasma Protein Concentration < About Athlete Athlete Major and Non-Athlete Student's > 자연과학편 : 피하지방량(皮下脂肪量) 및 혈장단백량(血漿蛋白量)에 관(關)한 연구 <운동선수(運動選手) · 體育專攻 · 일반대학생(一般大學生)을 중심(中心)으로>
23(1) 83-92, 1984
A Study of Skinfold Thickness and Plasma Protein Concentration < About Athlete Athlete Major and Non-Athlete Student's > 자연과학편 : 피하지방량(皮下脂肪量) 및 혈장단백량(血漿蛋白量)에 관(關)한 연구 <운동선수(運動選手) · 體育專攻 · 일반대학생(一般大學生)을 중심(中心)으로>
It is co㎜on that we recognize peopl’s nutritive condition by the measurement their fat thikness. But the small amount of total body fat does not mean bad health or bad nutritive condition when we investigate the body fat. it makes a difference according to the age, sex and weight.
The data obtained were analyzed and compared thier body fat to the subjects totaled 179 in number: 84 male < 7. Soccer players, 26. Basketball. 9. Volleyball, and 20. Rugby >. 25female < 12. Basketball players and 12. Volleyball >. 29 athlete major. 18. female athlete major and 23. non-athlete student’s who is preparing the higher civil service exam. Their average age is about 20. This study going to show the distiniveness among the various kinds of sports by comparing the fatness of athletes each part of the body.
The conclusion is as follows:
1. About Total Body Fat
It was M. 11㎏ in male athlete M. 12㎏ in athlete major M. 12㎏ in non-athlete students M. 12㎏ in female volleyball players M. 13㎏ in female players and M. 12㎏ in female athlete major.
2. About the Ratio of Fat in the weight.
It was M. 16% in male athlete M. 18% in athlete major M. 19% in female volleyball Players M. 21% in female basketball players and M. 20% in female athlete major.
3. About Arm Skinfold Thickness.
It was M. 11㎜ in male athlete M. 12㎜ in athete major M. 11㎜ in non-athlete students M. 22㎜ in female volleyball players M. 21㎜ in female basketball players and M. 21㎜ in female athlete major.
4. About Back Skinfold Thickness
It was M. 11㎜ in male athlete M. 12㎜ in athlete major M. 11㎜ in non-athlete students M. l6㎜ in female volleyball players M. 16㎜ in female basketball players and M. 18㎜ in female athlete major.
5. About waist Skinfold Thickness.
It was M. 14㎜ in male athlete M. 14㎜ in athlete major M. 13㎜ in non-athlete student M. 18㎜ in female volleyball players M. 21㎜ in female basketball playersand M. 18㎜ in female athlete major.
6. About Abdomen Skinfold Thickness.
It was M. 12㎜ in male athlete M. 12㎜ in athlete major M. 10㎜ in non-athlete students M. 15㎜ in female volleyball players M. 18㎜ in female basketball players and M. 15㎜ in female athlete major.
7. About Knee Skinfold Thickness
It was M. 9㎜ in male athlete M. 10㎜ in athlete major M. 9㎜ in non-athlete students M. 13㎜ in female volleyers M. 12㎜ in female basketball players and M. 13㎜ in female athlete major.
8. About Plasma Protein.
It was M. 7g in male athlete M. 7g in athlete major M. 8g in non-athlete students M. 8g in femal volleyball players M. 8g in female basketball players and M. 8g in female athlete major.
As a whole in both case of athlete and non-athlete students have almost same measurement of skinfold thickness. This result means that both physical and mental activities waist nearly same energy both male and female athlete have a little amounts of fatness at knee part but arm and waist part but arm and waist part they have agreat deal of fatness among various parts of body.
This result comes from the difference of the training method average value of plasma protein cancentration in the female was significantly higher then that in the male. It was evident that there was evident that there was no correlation of plasma protein concentration on physical measurements and the skinfold thickness it both sexe’s.
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A Comparative Study on the Heart Volume between College Athletes and Students 자연과학편 : 운동종목별(運動種目別) 운동선수(運動選手)의 심장용적(心臟容積)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
23(1) 93-101, 1984
A Comparative Study on the Heart Volume between College Athletes and Students 자연과학편 : 운동종목별(運動種目別) 운동선수(運動選手)의 심장용적(心臟容積)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of the study was to determine the heart volume between various athletes and students at College level. The subjects in this study were 310 (227 athletes and 83 students). The measurement about the heart volume of the subjects is performed by radiological method.
The outcomes were as follows:
1) Predicted heart volume is 731.54±25.41㎖ in athletes and 627.44±16.18㎖ in students. The former is larger than the latter (p<0.001).
2) Relative heart volume is 392.67±12.44㎖/㎡ in athletes and 353.29±11.10㎖/㎡ in students. The former is larger than the latter, too (p<0.001).
3) Predicted heart volume of volleyball players is 754.78±15.77㎖.
4) Predicted heart volume of soccer players is 752.10±16.88㎖.
5) Predicted heart volume of basketball players is 759.57±19.98㎖.
6) Predicted heart volute of baseball players is 739.91±20.22㎖.
7) Predicted heart volume of Tae-Kwon-Do players is 739.91±16.38㎖.
8) Predicted heart volume of Judo players is 707.58±15.48㎖.
9) Predicted heart volume of gymnastic players is 660.44±14.99㎖.
10) Predicted heart volume of marathoners is 790.33±16.10㎖.
11) Predicted heart volute of sprinters is 675.19±15.66㎖.
Above outcomes mean that athletes` heart volume is larger than that of students, and athletes who need persistence have larger heart volume than other athletes.
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The Effect of Warming-up on Power Testing Score When Varing Its Method-Mainly Through the Male Collegians in Seoul- 자연과학편 : Warming-up방법(方法)을 달리하였을 때 순발력검사성적(瞬發力檢査成績)에 미치는 영향(影響)-서울시(市) 남자(男子) 대학생(大學生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
23(1) 103-108, 1984
The Effect of Warming-up on Power Testing Score When Varing Its Method-Mainly Through the Male Collegians in Seoul- 자연과학편 : Warming-up방법(方法)을 달리하였을 때 순발력검사성적(瞬發力檢査成績)에 미치는 영향(影響)-서울시(市) 남자(男子) 대학생(大學生)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate what erect different styles of Warming-up has on power which is one of the most important factors of strength.
The subjects were 80 male students, aged 18-21, attending C University in Seoul. They were randomly divided into one controlled group and three experimental groups; A, B, and C. Naturally, each group consisted of 20.
The experimental methods adopted here: Each experimental group was of get through the different styles of Warming-up respectively for 10 minutes. And after 3∼5 minutes` rest, they were made to undergo a test of standing broad jump and vertical jump.
The contents of warming-up adopted to each group are as follows:
1) Experimental Group A: 10-minute practice of national gymnastic exercises without apparatus which are conventionally used.
2) Experimental Group B: ① 5-minutes rope-skipping. ② 5-minute of 500m-jogging.
3) Experimental Group C: ① 4-minutes practice of national gymnastic exercise without apparatus. ② 6-minutes exercises of loom-jogging and stop-jumping with 1㎏-sandbag tied to both of the legs.
4) Controlled Group: no Warming-up was practiced.
The results and conclusions were as fellows:
1) When examining the record improvement of pre-test and post-test, the controlled group showed little progress while the experimental groups greatly improved according to the intensity of Warming-up.
2) Dancan`s multiple range test of the experimental groups showed that the experimental group C were greatly affected at 0.01
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A Study on the Correlationship between Reaction Time and Power 자연과학편 : Field경기선수(競技選手)의 순발력(瞬發力)과 반응시간(反應時間)과의 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
23(1) 109-114, 1984
A Study on the Correlationship between Reaction Time and Power 자연과학편 : Field경기선수(競技選手)의 순발력(瞬發力)과 반응시간(反應時間)과의 상관(相關)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study in to offer the sports scientific data through the measurement of the correlationship between reaction time and power in male high school field athletes.
Ten male broad jump athletes, ten high jump athletes, ten high jump athletes and ten javelin throw athletes were randomly chosen as subjects for this study.
Subjects were tested sound reaction time, light reaction time and sargent jump.
The results were summerized as fellows:
1. High jump athletes` reaction time was faster than broad jump athletes and javelin throw athletes.
2. Sound reaction time was faster than light reaction time.
3. High jump athletes` power was superior to others and javelin throw athletes` power was the lowest.
4. There was statistically correlated between reaction time and power in high jump athletes and broad jump athletes.
5. There was no statistically correlated between reaction time and power in javelin throw athletes.
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Effects of Physical Training on Water and Electrolyte Metabolism 자연과학편 : 장기간(長期間) 체력단련(體力鍛鍊)이 인체(人體)의 수분(水分) 및 전해질대사(電解質代謝)에 미치는 영향(影響)
Effect of physical training on water and electrolyte metabolism was studied in 17 athletes and 19 non-athletes all of whom were male high school students of 15~19 years of age.
The subjects were required to omit the meal preceding the test and were not allowed to drink for at least tweleve hours before the experiment. Exercise was performed on a treadmill at 5MPH and 1596 grade for 3min.
The subjects were required to empty bladders voluntarily at 20, 40 and 60 min after the exercise and urine flow rate, urinary osmolality, osmolar clearance, free water clearance, urinary excretion of sodium and potassium were measured.
The following results were obtained.
In the resting state, the athletes showed significantly higher urine flow rate, osmolar clearance, urinary sodium and potassium excretion, but lower free water clearance than the non-athletes. Urinary osmolality was not significantly changed.
In the recovery period from the exercise, urine flow rate, osmolar clearance and total osmolar excretion showed significantly decreased values at 20min after the exercise in the athletes, but free water clearance was increased. Non-athletes showed significantly increased urine flow rate but decreased urinary osmolality.
At 60min after exercise, the renal function was significantly different from the resting values, indicating that the recovery from exercise was not complete.
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Analysis of Full Speed Running Curve Types Per Block in 100m Sprint 응용연구편 : 100m달리기의 구간별(區間別) 질주속도(疾走速度) 분석(分析)
23(1) 125-129, 1984
Analysis of Full Speed Running Curve Types Per Block in 100m Sprint 응용연구편 : 100m달리기의 구간별(區間別) 질주속도(疾走速度) 분석(分析)
This paper attempts to examine the variation of the full speed running curve types in the start block and each block in 100m sprint and analyze the features.
For the purpose the records of eight sprinters of S-Technical High School in Seoul were examined and calculated the average value by the m/sec and were analyzed each of the full speed running curve type.
As a result it came to a conclusion as follows:
1) There sprinters in A group broke their previous records by 0.06 second in the start block and by 0.38 second in the full speed running block according to the data.
It shows up in the full speed running curve that the highest speed and the highest running speed came out in 15m∼30m and in 50m∼60m and also that the speed was rising in the first half and gradually decreased from 70m in the last half
2) Two ones in B group appeared to break their previous records by 0.15 second in the start block and by 0.15 second in the start block and by 0.64 second in the full speed running block.
The full running curve says that it had the highest speed and the highest running speed in 20m∼30m and in 50m∼60m and that it had various speed in the first or last half and had the curve of reduced speed from 70m of the last half.
3) Two ones in C group also showed up in the full speed running curve that they made their records shorten by 0.18 second in the start block and by 0.98 second in the full speed running block and that it had the speed curve to be decreased from 60m and had the tendency to go up in the first half and to fall down suddenly in the last half.
4) One in D group broke his previous record by 0.18 second in the first start block and by 0.54 second in the full speed running block.
The highest speed and the highest full running speed came out in 5m∼10m and in 30m∼50m and its curve showed up as its speed being decreased suddenly.
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Mechanical Analysis of Honma Motion on Parallel Bars 응용연구편 : 평행봉(平行棒) HONMA 동작(動作) 분석(分析)
Honma motion is highly developed skill needed in connecting the technique of paralled bars. The purpose of this study is to analyze and improve the skill of honma motion. for this study, 4 high-class male players in university (subject A,B,C, and D) were sampled at random. And photographed their motion with 16mm movie camera (50 frames/sec), and searched for the gravitational center of the boor by the drawing figure method. Divided honma motion into 4 phases. And then, analyzed and compared the movement of the center of gravity and the angle change of joint with mechanical method.
The conclusions are as follows:
1. In Phase 1, when Hip Joint flexed extremely, the gravitational center of Subject A is higher than Subject B by 6cm, and is all like with Subject C or D. But Subject C and D extended by an angle of 15 degrees.
2. In Phase 2, Hip Joint of Subject A flexed more than Subject B by 15 degrees, and flexed more than that of Subject Cand.
3. In Phase 3, the power of Subject A is more powerful than that of Subject B by 5.47Hp, Subject C by 6.50Hp, and Subject D by 9.69Hp, and the moving horizontal velocity of the center of gravity on Subject A is faster than that of Subject B and C by 0.25m/sec, and is faster than that of Subject D by-1.50m/sec.
4. In Phase 4, the moving power of center of gravity on Subject A is more powerful than that of Subject B by 36.24HP, that of Subject C by 30.64HP, and that of Subject D by 34.65HP, and moving vertical velocity of center of gravity on Subject A is faster than that of Subject B by 3.00m/sec, that of Subject C by 4.75m/sec, and that of Subject D by 3.50m/sec.
5. When Hip Joint flexed extremely, the perfection in honma motion is dependent of hip`s position, flexion of Shoulder Joint and Hip Joint, and the reciprocal relation of moving power and horizontal velocity, vertical velocity of the center of gravity.
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A Computer Simulation Method for Evaluating Golf Skill 응용연구편 : 씨물레이션을 이용한 골프기술 평가법
23(1) 149-153, 1984
A Computer Simulation Method for Evaluating Golf Skill 응용연구편 : 씨물레이션을 이용한 골프기술 평가법
The objective of this study was to develop a golf skill level test and to find out which set of clubs is most important to lowering score for a given individual and a course through computer simulation.
The simulation program was developed by utilizing FORTRAN WATFIV-S and was run on a APPLE personal computer system.
Nam Seong Dae golf course was used as a location of this study.
The players ability of handling each club was simulated by Monte Carlo method using hitting probability data obtained at a practice range for each club.
The following results were obtained:
The resulting handicap (13.8) was slightly lower than the handicap (15) which was calculated by conventional method.
This could be due to the assumptions.
Assuming that the player can handle each club perfectly, i.e., 95% probability to bit a target, study showed that a set of most important clubs for lower if handicap for the player in the course was 8 Iron, Driver, and 5 Iron.
This suggests that the subject should practice 8 Iron, Driver and 5 Iron as an order.
This order of practice would lower the handicap by 0.4 for the subject.
This study demonstrated that Monte Carlo simulation can be an excellent tool in evaluating individual skill level and has a potential to guide the direction of golf practice for lowering handicap.
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A Study on the Relationship Between Rhythm-Sense and Volleyball Play Skill 응용연구편 : 배구(排球)에서 리듬감각(感覺)과 운동기능(運動技能)의 상관(相關)에 관한 연구(硏究)
宋在一JaeIlSong , 李寬炯KwanHyungLee
23(1) 155-161, 1984
A Study on the Relationship Between Rhythm-Sense and Volleyball Play Skill 응용연구편 : 배구(排球)에서 리듬감각(感覺)과 운동기능(運動技能)의 상관(相關)에 관한 연구(硏究)
宋在一JaeIlSong , 李寬炯KwanHyungLee
This paper is aimed at finding out the influence of rhythm-sense on volleyball and determining the correlation between them.
To solve the above problem, 120 female high school students among the first grader of `C. Girl`s High School` in Seoul were selected out random and measured.
Serve and repeated volleyball skill-the basic skill of volleyball-were analyzed in comparison with measured rhythm-sense. And the correlation between rhythm-sense and serve, rhythm-sense and repeated-volley skill were analyzed by computer.
The results were as follows:
1) The rhythm-sense is obviously correlated with the volley-ball serve skill (p<0.001).
2) The rhythm-sense is obviously correlated with the repeated volley skill (p<0.001).
3) The correlation between the subdivided serve skill groups and rhythm-sense were as follows.
① The correlation between the highest serve skill groups and middle group and rhythm-sense were deeply correlated (p<0.001).
② The correlation between the lowest serve skill group and rhythm-sense were slightly correlated (p<0.05).
4) The correlation between the subdivided volley skill group and rhythm-sense were as follows.
① The correlation between the highest and middle volley skill group and rhythm-sense were deeply correlated (p<0.001).
② The correlation between the lowest volley skill group and rhythm-sense were slightly correlated (p<0.01).
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A Study on Effects of Kinesthetic Method for Learning, Transfer and Retention of Forehand Stroke of Tennis 응용연구편 : 테니스 포오핸드 스트로오크 기능학습(技能學習)의 운동감각적(運動感覺的) 지도(指導)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
23(1) 163-168, 1984
A Study on Effects of Kinesthetic Method for Learning, Transfer and Retention of Forehand Stroke of Tennis 응용연구편 : 테니스 포오핸드 스트로오크 기능학습(技能學習)의 운동감각적(運動感覺的) 지도(指導)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
This study attempted to study on kinesthetic method for learning, transfer, and retention of forehand stroke of tennis. This especially focused on some effects of the Kinesthetic learning method for learning forehand stroke skill, transfer of backhand stroke skill and retention of the forehand skill gained of the tennis players.
Subjects of the study were 80 students of 7th grade (first school year of junior high school) sampled from Laboratory middle school, College of Education, Inha University located in Incheon City. The subjects were again grouped in to four, so students for each of the groups in accordance with their pre-test scores in order to make the group mean score equal.
Following were the experimental treatments provided differently to each of the subject groups during the two weeks of experimental period.
Group A. first one week with the eyes open and last one week with the eyes closed.
Group B. frist one week with the eyes closed and last one week with the eyes opened.
Group C. two weeks with the eyes closed.
Group D. two weeks with the eyes opend.
The results of the exprimental treatment were analyzed and compared among the four groups adopting analysis of variance skill.
Upon the statistical analysis, the finding outs of this study were as follows.
First, Group C which practiced forehand stroke with the eyes closed had much more high mean score achieved than Group D which was control group with the eyes opened. However, it was indicated that the significant mean difference between the two groups was statistically negligible.
Second, Group A which had one week with the eyes opened and then one week with the eyes closed, and Group B, one week with the eyes clouted and then one week with the eyes opened had meager mean score achieved than the control group (Group D).
Third, Three of the experimental group; Group A, B, and C had significantly more high mean score achieved in the backhand stroke skill at the end of the experimental treatment than the control group with the eyes opened during the two weeks practice.
It was indicated that the mean differences between the experimental and control groups were statistically very significant.
Lastly, the results of the rotation of forehand stroke skill tested after five days of the experimental treatment, revealed that three of the experimental group namely Group A, B, and C had remarkably less mean score achieved than the control group. The mean difference between the experimental and control groups was statistically very much significant.
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A Study of Electromyogram Analysis in the Table Tennis Games. Ⅱ. (Centering around Fore and Back hand) 응용연구편 : 탁구경기(卓球競技)의 근전도적(筋電圖的) 분석연구(分析硏究) Ⅱ. (Fore; Back hand를 중심(中心)으로)
23(1) 169-174, 1984
A Study of Electromyogram Analysis in the Table Tennis Games. Ⅱ. (Centering around Fore and Back hand) 응용연구편 : 탁구경기(卓球競技)의 근전도적(筋電圖的) 분석연구(分析硏究) Ⅱ. (Fore; Back hand를 중심(中心)으로)
In the Table Tennis, we can generally divide striking form into Fore-hand Stroke and Back-hand Stroke. We can`t decide that which is the important, but in the exorcise and in the practice game, it is true that the interest degree is high in the Fore-hand stroke while the importance of the Back-hand stroke is neglected, though it is always recognized.
As it is considered that the analysis can he made by comparing the striking forms of Fore-hand and Back hand, so I put an emphasis on the upper limb which is essential in the striking movement of the Table Tennis, exampling 6 male college players who have had over 6 year earlier, and I take the 6 muscles-Deltodeus, Biceps brachii. Triceps brachii, Flexor Carpiulnaris, Brachier adial is Extensor pollicis longus, as the model objects which were used frequently and main movement muscle groups in the terms of articuli monus, articulus humeri cubiti. articuli manus, articulus humeri, cubiti.
As the method of analysis of the muscle movement, Electromyogram surface electrode induction which is necessary to induce as the physiological change and check is taken.
So, as the result of the comparative analysis, I can draw several conclusion as follows;
1. Though the difference is exist in each muscle and in earth hand stroke (Fs. Bs), the duration scope of the overall muscle movement time at the table tennis striking form was 0.47∼0.67 sec. and the preparation movement time was 0.15∼0.31 sec. and the remit movement time was 0.22∼0.4 sec. so it is found that the rest movement time is longer than the preparation movement time.
2. The deltoideus in the Fore-hand stroke is long in the duration time and the rest movement time than that of Back-hand stroke, which indicate meaningful difference (p<0.05)
3. Back-hand stroke has the tendency of longer time-span than that of Fore-hand stroke and especially flexor carpiulnaris presents the longer time gap. (p.0.02∼0.05)
4. While Back-hand stroke the other muscles work more long point except extensor pollicis longus and triceps brachii than fore-hand stroke.
5. The muscle movement order is same except deltoideus and flexor carpiulnaris in the Fore-hand stroke and in the muscle shrink order it begins from the deltoideus in the Fore-hand and from the biceps brachii in the Back-hand.
6. Though the difference of the each muscle Amplitude is exist, the times which the ball impact to the racket and represent the maximum of the electromyogram Amplitude are nearly accorded.